College Presents Singer-Songwriter Deb Cavanaugh on Thursday, Nov. 12
November 5, 2020

Multi-genre singer and songwriter Deb Cavanaugh will present “Musical Travels in China, An Adventure in Teaching and Learning,” that shares music, photos and stories from her travels to China in an hour-long, online program on Thursday, Nov. 12 at noon. The event is open free to the public as a presentation of the Cultural Affairs Program at Hudson Valley Community College.
In 2018, Deb Cavanaugh was invited to China’s Beijing region to teach English through music to young children. This program will include traditional American music, as well as engaging stories and captivating photographs taken during the trip that feature her students, street gardens, the famed Summer Palace, Forbidden City, and more. Cavanaugh’s pre-recorded performance will feature a dulcimer, limberjack (dancing doll on a stick) and folk art crankie – an illustrated, scrolling story – that she used in China to share “a little bit of American culture” with her pupils.
Cavanaugh lives in Petersburgh, and is a teacher for Heldeberg Music Together. Since the coronavirus pandemic has kept everyone social distanced, she has been creating “Miss Deb” videos for kids. Each one has a theme, visiting character, related craft project, and can be viewed at Deb Cavanaugh on YouTube. She has performed at Caffé Lena in Saratoga Springs, the Old Songs Festival in Altamont, and the Low Beat in Albany, and is well versed in rock n’ roll, jazz, blues, children’s songs, folk music and more.
Watch Musical Travels in China, An Adventure in Teaching and Learning on YouTube
More Information
Please email Deb Gardner for more information.