Be An Active Learner
To be an active learner, you must participate in the learning process. This workshop will demonstrate "active" behaviors such as marking-up lecture notes during and after lectures with notations that identify main ideas, information that will be on the next test, and information that needs further explanation or follow-up. You will be shown how to make tapes from lecture notes that will enable you to recite, review and ultimately store information in your long term memory. Additionally, methods for categorizing major and minor details, creating charts, diagrams or flow charts to organize information from textbooks or lectures, and annotating and outlining text will be demonstrated.
Getting Organized For Academic Success
This workshop will help you develop an organized approach to learning in the higher education environment. The college catalog and student handbook will be used to identify what you need to do to be successful. Introductions to note taking, time management and textbook reading systems will give you the tools to learn at the college level.
Getting The Most From Your Textbooks
This workshop provides strategies for getting the best value from your textbooks. A five-step process will assist you in selecting the important information from a text and recalling it for class discussions and tests. The SQ3R method and textbook marking guidelines are presented to make review of material much easier and more effective.
How To Break Down A Journal Article And Understand It
This workshop teaches you how to identify the key components of any journal article. In addition, you will learn critical thinking skills that will enable you to critique journal articles. We will practice developing a summary and a critique of an article.
How To Get The Most From Your Class Time
In this course, we will look at different types of teaching styles and adjustments we can make to succeed in particular instructional settings. You will review typical course assignments to gain a better understanding of what is expected.
I'm Late: Is It Procrastination?
This workshop ill help you recognize procrastination as a potential problem to your studies. Strategies will be provided on how to prevent procrastination from forming and correcting it before it gets "out of hand." We want you to become an active force in your ability to succeed. "Don't put if off any longer!"
Improving Your Memory
This memory improvement workshop offers an overview of how the memory works and presents eight tried and true systems that will make recall easier. The use of lists, mnemonics and associations will be practiced to help you find the methods that work for you personally.
Lecture Note-Taking
This workshop reviews the listening skills and note-taking techniques needed to record important lecture information. You will be shown how to identify the main ideas of a lecture, differentiate between major and minor details, compare and contrast ideas, use abbreviations, white space, and configurations to record notes. A double entry note-taking system, which shows you not only what to record during the lecture but also how to make your notes into study sheets that can be recited and reviewed, will be presented.
Preparing For Final Exams
This workshop gives you an end-of-the-course approach to studying for final examinations. After creating a master schedule to maximize your study time, you will learn how to develop a table of contents and study sheets for a course. The value of active studying, including the use of study partners and study groups, will also be discussed.
Procrastination And End Of The Semester Time Management
This workshop will help you overcome procrastination habits by identifying those habits and then discussing how they are negatively impacting your academic life. Once you determine your bad habits, we will develop a plan to overcome them and get organized as you prepare for finals. Specific personal schedules will be developed by each student, with a method to assess if the skills are developing and making the end of the semester more successful and less stressful.
Sharpen Your Critical Thinking Skills
This workshop will introduce you to critical thinking skills. Based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Objectives, you will learn to identify the type of learning objective you are being asked to perform and specific strategies for answering questions involving analysis, evaluation, application and synthesis of presented information.
Test Anxiety
This workshop is for anyone whose stomach churns and palms sweat at the mention of a test. A survey of the sources of test anxiety will be the basis for our discussion of what can be done to control it. Strategies such as visualization techniques, home quiz simulation, arrival, seating plans and test preparation will help participants understand their fears and enable them to do their best in test situations.
Test Taking Strategies
You will leave this workshop with specific strategies to apply in test situations. Too often, learners allow distractions to take away their focus on a test. Test anxiety will be the first topic of discussion, followed by the set rules for taking any kind of test. Strategies for multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching column, short answer and essay questions will be introduced.
Time Management
This workshop introduces strategies that help you take control of your time, thereby increasing your available time for academic preparation, leisure activities and a healthful lifestyle. You will learn how to construct a daily "to do" list, a weekly schedule and a monthly calendar, enabling you to incorporate study time into your daily routines. Time management will help you prepare adequately for tests and quizzes and plan for long range assignments such as term papers and presentations.
Unraveling The Mystery Of Test Questions
We will identify various types and formats of tests and provide you with a strategy for reading critically while confidently preparing to take a test. Using sample test questions, we will learn to predict, formulate and model test questions in preparation for your test.
"Why Can't I Remember What I Read?"
This workshop will introduce you to strategies to use before, during and after reading to engage your thought processes. You will practice the use of strategies using one of your course texts. Strategies will cover activating prior knowledge, interacting with the text and summarizing information. Participants should bring a course text with them. (Texts can be course-specific, i.e., "Why can't I remember what I read in my Psychology text?"